
Christmas in London – part II

I survived Christmas alone in London.

Actually; and I feel guilty saying this, it was delightful.

I missed my mum; it is a time when everyone is talking about family. However thanks to yoga, meditation, reading and learning I was able to keep a reasonable perspective. It’s just another day, I saw my mum recently, and I will see her again soon. The other matter; a girlfriend, hopefully I will meet someone I match with soon.


Sense perceptions, writing 201 poetry ‘pleasure’

Sensory perception  everywhere,  each
Day I wake with a need to seek,  like an addict,
The sights,  sounds,  taste and touch that tantalise,
High and happy,  I reach for more, and more.

Physical beauty,  let me feast with shallow eyes open you,
Soft skin,  let me lay these greedy hands all over you,
Fruits,  spices,  fish and succulent meats,  let me gorge myself with you,
Fresh flowers,  let your fragrance carry me away.

Suddenly darkness comes,  alone,  I am without you,
Nothing to see or touch, skies became grey above,
Sensory pleasure has abandoned me, betrayed by my reliance,
I’m beyond empty, withdrawal; the pain that remains.

I realise now that unchecked sensory pleasure results in pain,
Instead I stay with the ever present breathe; a simple pleasure that in its essence is me.


Our local friend Ben

he watches over,
river and square,  famous by
name,  a must see sight

announcing the hour,
and posing for photographs,
have you heard of Ben?


Flavour of a kiss – writing201 ‘flavour’ poem

Never much liked to kiss, but I found something in the taste of your lips,
delicate and sweet and light,
and yet full of your depth,

Now you are gone, how can I go on?, I can’t even describe my feelings,
fleeting and elusive and subtle,
and beyond words and yet deeply real,

Dream like memories, reality had overwhelmed all my sense,
Days and months and years pass, alone
Now I find I yearn for your kiss


A coastal harbour town in Scotland

Fishing boats in wait,
Metal clangs, a seagull calls,
But otherwise still,

Fishermen resting
In cottages, a respite,
From the cold hard seas,

Wire mesh, wooden slats,
Lobster pots piled by the side,
Waiting for their bait,

A visitor walks,
Taking photos, fingers numb,
Scotland’s winter coast


Nomadic (writing 201 day 7)

Nomadic, that’s my habit,
Never in one place, that’s my taste,
Mario running from a koopa shell,
Never afraid, just need my space,


A portrait by love and sadness (writing 201 day 6)

A story of time,
As seasons pass,
Of dream-like
A teacher of heartbreak, which breaks hearts, and
Distance from intimacy and intimacy with distance,
With subtlety time paints,


Tokyo dining

Prepared like art, with heart,
Eaten with care, flavours rare,
Japanese food is really that good,
Cooking and dining are national pastimes,
Ramen is a passion and,
Sushi a fashion,
That powers Tokyo life.


Scotland’s mountains – an ode to Sir Hugh Monroe (writing 201 day 5)

Outdoor walking, early morning, hills loom above; a tidal wave of green,
Damp socks and wet boots waiting, silence but for the trickling of a stream,
Wild mountainous terrain; sometimes rolling, often rocky, by chance is it a dream?


A limerick about Tam and Cookies (writing 201 day 4)


there was a cookie, gold like
the morning sun, with choc chips dark as
midnight comes, so crumbly to see
it’s comforting to me
But wait! – 500 calories, that’s just no fun.


A prose poem about skin (writing 201 day 3)

Magazines lie like dictators cries, beauty brands try to sell fake style. Naturally soft and smooth only when new, but like all forms decays over time. Popped pimples, rubbed rashes, cuts and scratches, laughter lines and frowning signs, these may all come over time. The book cover of our lives. A living journal. A unique story; where true beauty lies. Superficial values and photoshop aside, look closely to see the real me. When the inside is healthy, the outside will shine. Eat natural, drink water, love yourself, and a warm glow will arise. Mirror mirror on the wall, am I not beautiful? as are you all.


Kyoto umbrella

bright orange and blue
just a small shelter it’s true
but I still love you


An acrostic Christmas (writing 201 day 2)

Prompt: Christmas
Device: Acrostic

Poem 1 – Christmas

Christmas tree, standing free
Oh so bright twinkling like starlight
Sitting underneath with wrapping so neat
Your gift and my gift, waiting patiently


A haiku poem about screens (writing 201 day 1)

I’ve just started the WordPress blogging university ‘writing201’ course. The first poem is based on the word prompt ‘screen’, the form ‘haiku’ and the device ‘alliteration’. Here is my 1st ever poetry attempt!

just a small, slight screen
the data it can display
I can’t comprehend

bright electric light
but is it real or fake?
an imitation

staring at your screen
from early until late-night
who is the user?